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- updated weekly -


Leadership Training

There will be leadership training on Tuesday February 11th and Tuesday February 18th. All leaders, please make plans to be present.


Bible Study

There is no Bible Study this week due to leadership training.


Mix & Mingle

Join us on Saturday, February 22 at 2pm for Mix & Mingle with a Twist in the fellowship hall.

Twin Day

On Sunday February 23 we will have Match Day during morning service.

First Fruits

Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase. -Proverbs 3:9

Our annual firstfruits offering will take place Sunday March 2. Please prepare your hearts for this sacrificial offering.

Tax Statements

If you would like to request your 2024 tax state, please email and please include your children's name.

Children’s Church

Youth ages 4-8 are able to attend Children’s Church in the fellowship hall. Please listen for instructions during service.



Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to everyone born in February!

Staying Connected to God’s Word

When you are unable to attend church, it is still our obligation to God to be obedient to his word. For your convenience there is a secured mailbox available for you.  Please stop by the church anytime to drop off your tithes and offering and please write your name and what it's for on the envelope.


 “Jesus Touch List”

New Life Church Family

Victory Word Church

Higher Praise Worship Center

Liberating Truth Church

Harper Woods Police & Fire Dept

Riverview Rehabilitation Center

Elder Allan Wilder

Darlene Richardson

Brenay Valentine

Ryan Mogan

Lolita Webb

Marvin Williams & Family

If you have someone to add or an announcement, please phone in your information to the church phone (313) 401-2991.

New Life Ministries Worldwide         |         19678 Lochmoor St. Harper Woods MI 48225         |         (313) 401-2991

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